• October 22, 2019
    10:00 am - 7:00 pm

JOIN US! This 3-day, field- and classroom-based training (no registration fee) is open to all professional affiliations and will introduce participants to:

  • tools for selecting metrics that match management/restoration objectives
  • developing site-specific protocols for sampling
  • developing a monitoring handbook and monitoring protocols/program for your local ecosystems
  • how to establish long-term monitoring and quantitative/qualitative data for wildfire risk assessment
  • evaluating the need for prescribed burns and other fuels treatments.

Field sites will include upland oak communities on the Hoosier National Forest with a variety of treatment histories, including prescribed fire and mechanical thinning.

Lead Instructor: Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests

Registration and Lodging: There is no registration fee for this 3-day training, but space is limited and registration is required (limited to the first 30). To register, email your name, affiliation, and email address to Joe Marschall (marschallj@missouri.edu) by September 15, 2019. Attendees are responsible for their own meals, travel, and lodging. Additional information regarding lodging and materials will be emailed upon registration.
