Register here:

The Central Hardwoods Joint Venture and partners invite you to attend the 2025 Interior Highlands Shortleaf Pine Initiative Summit in Hot Springs, Arkansas, February 24-26, 2025. This meeting will feature timely updates on shortleaf pine management, current research, fire management tools, and discussions on how to advance pine and pine-oak management in the Interior Highlands. Presenters will include USDA Forest Service Regions 8 and 9, state agencies, non-government organizations, and state level prescribe burn associations. Lunch is provided on February 25th, courtesy of The Nature Conservancy. We hope to see you there!

Feb 24 1pm. – 5pm.

Feb 25 8am. – 5pm. (Lunch Provided)

Feb 26 8am. – 12pm. (Field trip to see active SLP management)


Event location – Mahoney Building

210 Woodbine Street, Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901


NO Registration Fee but Registration is required:

(Thanks to our partners at Pheasants Forever providing the registration link)


Registration link:

Exhibitor Registration and Sponsorship Packages are available for $250:

 Exhibitor registration is same link as attendance registration above.

Includes: Exhibitor space, formal oral and written recognition, and an opportunity to address the audience and introduce your organization.

Lodging info:  A block of rooms at the Holiday Inn Express, Hot Springs, Arkansas are available through January 24th for $114.00 per night. Rates are for February 24-26, 2025.

Lodging Link: American Bird Conservancy Reservation

For more info: Contact Jeff Powelson: or 816-261-3939