Oak Woodlands Fire-Science Curriculum - Oak Fire Science

We are excited to offer complete, ready to teach, science lessons tailored for grades 9-12, which focus on region-specific fire ecology. Educators can download these lessons and materials, and then adjust them to their own classroom and regional needs.

Developed by educators for educators, each lesson teaches important foundational science principles, with the engaging background of placed-based fire ecology. The main developer of these resources, Bryan Yockers, is a veteran high school science teacher of the Tulsa, Oklahoma, region, and is the founder of the Jenks Fire Ecology Research Station for Teaching  (JenksFERST) program. These lessons are modeled after the Northern Rocky Mountains & Northern Cascade Curriculum offered by the FireWorks Education Program.

The goal of these curricula is to provide high school students with unique learning opportunities that align with nationally recognized standards or expectations. Using the Next Generation Science Standards [NGSS] as a guide, these resources allow instructors to meet educational goals as students investigate natural phenomena.  The framework employed for lesson development is the three dimensions of science learning that are integrated into NGSS. Each lesson reflects components of these three dimensions: 1) Science and Engineering Practices; 2) Disciplinary Core Ideas; and 3) Crosscutting Concepts.

Click the following link to access FIRE IN THE CROSS TIMBERS curriculum

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