Short, informational fire-science videos produced by the Oak Forests & Woodlands Fire Consortium are offered below.
Remembering Fire
6:21 minutes
In this video, lifelong resident of Summersville, Missouri, Howard Smith, born in 1928, in his own words tells about intentional, community-wide controlled fires that took place during his younger years.
Fire Scar Research in Historically Pine-Dominated Ozark Forests
6:45 minutes
In this video, Senior Research Associate Joe Marschall with the Center for Tree-Ring Science (University of Missouri) finds old, fire-scarred shortleaf pine stumps in the Mark Twain National Forest, and he interprets their growth and fire scar history.
Missouri Ozark Highlands Fire History Movie, 1561 to 1930
6:18 minutes
This video maps, year-by-year, when and where historical fires have been documented by fire scars on old shortleaf pine stumps and snags in 26 fire scar research study sites with the Current River watershed in southern Missouri.