'Captured' Presentations

While there are many recorded presentations below, the entire collection can be viewed on our Vimeo Page.

Prescribed Fire and Avian Conservation: Why Scale Matters

January 26, 2016
Presenter & Affiliation: Dwayne Elmore (Oklahoma State University)
Conference: Fire Management and Oak Woodland Restoration in Eastern Texas workshop at Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area, near Palestine, TX


Effects of fire on forest regeneration: implications for restoration and management with prescribed burning

November 7, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Ben Knapp (University of Missouri)
Conference: Forestry and Fisheries and Wildlife department's joint seminar series at the University of Missouri


Prescribed fire as a conservation tool in Mid-South landscapes: challenges and opportunities

June 5, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Morgan Varner (Mississippi State University)
Conference: Prescribed Fire in the Mid-South conference in Crossville, TN


Prescribed fire and smoke management: perspectives of a state air agency

June 5, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Jennifer Miller (Kentucky Division for Air Quality)
Conference: Prescribed Fire in the Mid-South conference in Crossville, TN


Pyromancy: seeing the future in the flames

June 5, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Stephen Pyne (Arizona State University)
Conference: Prescribed Fire in the Mid-South conference in Crossville, TN


Demographic responses of Microstegium vimineum to prescribed fires and herbicide

February 20, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Sarah Emery (University of Louisville)
Conference: Japanese Stiltgrass, Fire Management, and Ecosystem Services workshop in Harrisburg, IL


Fire and Microstegium vimineum invasion across a heterogeneous landscape

February 20, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Stephanie Wagner (University of Illinois)
Conference: Japanese Stiltgrass, Fire Management, and Ecosystem Services workshop in Harrisburg, IL


How does low intensity, fire-based management impact ecosystem services?

February 20, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Tyler Refsland (University of Illinois)
Conference: Japanese Stiltgrass, Fire Management, and Ecosystem Services workshop in Harrisburg, IL


Effects of prescribed fire and Microstegium vimineum invasion on nitrogen cycling

February 20, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Jennifer Fraterrigo (University of Illinois)
Conference: Japanese Stiltgrass, Fire Management, and Ecosystem Services workshop in Harrisburg, IL


Eastern Red Cedar: Oklahoma’s Green Dust Bowl

January 22, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: John Weir (Oklahoma State University)
Conference: Eastern Red Cedar on Indian Land Workshop in Muskogee, OK


Floristic quality as a measure of success

December 30, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Allison Vaughn (Missouri Department of Conservation)
Conference: “Prescribing Fire For Woodland Restoration: How Is Success Measured?” workshop, Missouri Natural Resources Conference


What animal species benefit from woodland restoration? Examples from case studies and life history requirements

December 30, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Mike Leahy, Missouri Department of Conservation
Conference: “Prescribing Fire For Woodland Restoration: How Is Success Measured?” workshop, Missouri Natural Resources Conference


Tree species composition, structure, and dynamics of woodlands

December 20, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: John Kabrick, USFS Northern Research Station
Conference: “Prescribing Fire For Woodland Restoration: How Is Success Measured?” workshop, Missouri Natural Resources Conference


Snakes on Fire: The Effect of Prescribed Fire on the Habitat Use, Energetics, and Survival of the Black Racer

October 7, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Christopher Howey (Ohio Center for Ecology and Evolution Studies)
Conference: The Effects of Wildland Fire and Fire Management on Amphibians and Reptiles symposium at The Wildlife Society's 20th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI


How prescribed forest fires are necessary for preserving stable metapopulations of the eastern collared lizard

October 7, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Jennifer Neuwald (Colorado State University)
Conference: The Effects of Wildland Fire and Fire Management on Amphibians and Reptiles symposium, The Wildlife Society's 20th Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI


Reducing the Impacts of Prescribed Fire on the Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)

October 7, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Bruce Kingsbury (Indiana - Purdue University Fort Wayne)
Conference: The Effects of Wildland Fire and Fire Management on Amphibians and Reptiles symposium at The Wildlife Society's 20th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI


Amphibians in fire-prone landscapes: What information is needed?

October 7, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Katherine O'Donnell (University of Missouri)
Conference: Effects of Wildland Fire and Fire Management on Amphibians and Reptiles symposium at The Wildlife Society's 20th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI


Living on the Edge: Challenges and Considerations for Managing Gopher Tortoise Habitats with Fire

October 7, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Betsie B. Rothermel (Archbold Biological Station)
Conference: The Effects of Wildland Fire and Fire Management on Amphibians and Reptiles symposium in Milwaukee, WI


Herpetofaunal Response to Prescribed Burning in Southern Appalachian Upland Hardwood Forest

October 7, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Christopher Moorman for Cathryn Greenberg (USFS Southern Research Station)
Conference: The Effects of Wildland Fire and Fire Management on Amphibians and Reptiles symposium in Milwaukee, WI


Burning in the shadows of the nation’s largest metroplexes: challenges and management recommendations

February 4, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Glen Gillman (Texas Wildlife and Parks Department)
Conference: Fire Ecology and Management of Texas Oak Woodlands symposium at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for Range Management in Oklahoma City, OK


Using fire to manage endangered species habitat in Texas: the US Fish and Wildlife Service example

February 4, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Wade Harrell, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Conference: Fire Ecology and Management of Texas Oak Woodlands symposium at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for Range Management in Oklahoma City, OK


Historic fire frequencies of oak woodlands in the southern plains

February 4, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Mike Stambaugh (University of Missouri)
Conference: Fire Ecology and Management of Texas Oak Woodlands symposium at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for Range Management in Oklahoma City, OK


Fire effects and restoration challenges within a central Texas pine-oak forest following an intense summer wildfire

February 4, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Greg Creacy (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)
Conference: Fire Ecology and Management of Texas Oak Woodlands symposium at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for Range Management in Oklahoma City, OK


Is fire enough? The joint effects of fire and deer herbivory on hardwood regeneration and species composition

February 4, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Christina Andruk (University of Texas)
Conference: Fire Ecology and Management of Texas Oak Woodlands symposium at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for Range Management in Oklahoma City, OK


Economic Impact of Fire on Product Values in Eastern Kentucky and Tennessee

October 30, 2012
Presenter & Affiliation: Christopher Reeves (University of Kentucky)
Conference: Timber Quality/Prescribed Fire Workshop


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