
How can prescribed burning and harvesting restore shortleaf pine-oak woodland at the landscape scale in central United States? Modeling joint effects of harvest and fire regimes

November 12, 2019
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Hong He, University of Missouri
Conference: Fall/Winter 2019/2020 Webinar Series


Ticks & Fire: Can long-term prescribed fire be used to reduce tick-borne disease risk?

September 12, 2019
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Elizabeth Gleim, Hollins University
Conference: Fall/Winter 2019/2020 Webinar Series


If you want something to die, make it be still: Pyric herbivory promotes pollinator diversity

December 11, 2018
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Shelly Wiggam, Kansas State University


Toward an understanding of how indirect effects of fire may affect management outcomes

December 4, 2018
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Marcus Lashley, Mississippi State University


Current Efforts to Reignite Prescribed Burning Across Central Hardwood Forests

November 20, 2018
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Greg Nowacki, R09 Regional Ecologist, U.S. Forest Service


Fire as a mediator of competition among oaks, grasslands and mesic forests

September 11, 2018
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Lee Frelich, University of Minnesota


Dr. Matthew Dickinson Webinar

How trees are injured in fires – new approaches and applications

October 24, 2017
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Matthew Dickinson- USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station


Heather Alexander Webinar

Mesophication of Eastern Oak Forests: Vulnerability and Resilience with the Loss of Fire Disturbances

October 10, 2017
Presenter & Affiliation: Drs. Heather D. Alexander and Courtney Siegert, Mississippi State University


Dan Drees Webinar

Insights from 17 years of fire effects data at Ozark National Scenic Riverways

December 13, 2016
Presenter & Affiliation: Dan Drees, Fire Ecologist, National Park Service


Repeated burning for oak woodland restoration: long-term effects on stand development in the Missouri Ozarks

December 6, 2016
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Benjamin Knapp, University of Missouri


Robin Innes Webinar

Finding the best science available on fire ecology and fire regimes in tallgrass prairie and oak woodland ecosystems

November 15, 2016
Presenter & Affiliation: Robin Innes and Ilana Abrahamson, Rocky Mountain Research Station


Regeneration response to repeated prescribed burning in Appalachian hardwood forests

October 18, 2016
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Tara Keyser, Southern Research Station, USFS


Regional economic benefits from forest restoration projects

September 27, 2016
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Matthew Pelkki, University of Arkansas at Monticello


The Pennyroyal Plain Prairie: A vision for restoring a forgotten ecosystem

December 15, 2015
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Dwayne Estes, Botanical Research Institute of Texas & Austin Peay State University's Center for Field Biology


Dr. James Vose Webinar

Oak, fire, and global change: what might the future hold?

December 1, 2015
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. James Vose, Southern Research Station, USFS


Dr. Leslie Brandt Webinar

Climate-informed management of oak ecosystems in the central hardwoods region

November 10, 2015
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Leslie Brandt, Climate Change Specialist, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, USFS



Prescribed fire and bats

October 13, 2015
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Joy O’Keefe; Director of the Center for Bat Research, Outreach, and Conservation


J. Kevin Hiers Webinar

Are broadened fire management prescriptions and habitat goals for the birds-and the future?

September 22, 2015
Presenter & Affiliation: J. Kevin Heirs, Director of Environmental Stewardship, Sewanee: The University of the South


John Gruchy Webinar

Managing vegetation composition and structure in fields using prescribed fire and combinations of fire and other treatments

January 13, 2015
Presenter & Affiliation: John Gruchy, Private Lands Habitat Program Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks


Dr. Daniel Dey Webinars

Timing fire to minimize damage in managing oak ecosystems

December 9, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Daniel Dey, Research Forester with the U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station


Dr. Craig Harper Webinar

Using prescribed fire to manage wildlife habitat in the Mid-South

September 23, 2014
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Craig Harper; Professor of Wildlife Management and Extension Wildlife Specialist, University of Tennessee


Dr. Gregory J. Nowacki Webinar

Oak, Fire and Mesophication: Past, current and future trends of oak in the eastern United States

December 10, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Gregory J. Nowacki; Ecologist, US Forest Service, Eastern Region, Milwaukee, WI


Dr. Cecil C. Frost

Reconstructing pre-European fire regimes, forests and wildlife habitats in the eastern United States: Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

November 5, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Cecil C. Frost; Adjunct Faculty at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Dr. Patrick Brose Webinar

Making sense out of confusion: Findings from the fire-oak synthesis project

August 13, 2013
Presenter & Affiliation: Dr. Patrick Brose, Research Forester at the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station


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