Virtual Workshop - Fire and Fuels Monitoring Virtual Training - Oak Fire Science

This virtual- and field-based training was developed and hosted by the Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium, Lake States Fire Science Consortium, and the Huron-Manistee National Forests. The virtual event was held June 1-4, 2021, and introduced participants to:

— tools for selecting metrics that match management/restoration objectives;

— developing site-specific protocols for sampling;

— developing a monitoring handbook and monitoring protocols/program for your local ecosystems;

— how to establish long-term monitoring and quantitative/qualitative data for wildfire risk assessment; and

— evaluating the need for prescribed burns and other fuels treatments.

Field measurements were conducted independently at individual attendees’ home units, and the data then analyzed in the virtual classroom setting.

Recordings of all of the workshop presentations and field measurement instructional videos can be found below, additional materials for the workshop and other related resources can be found HERE.


Lead Instructor

Brian Stearns – Assistant Zone Fire Management Officer, Huron-Manistee National Forests

Instructor Cadre

Matthew Malesic – Zone Fuels Assistant Fire Manager Officer, Huron-Manistee National Forest

Michael Kelly – Fuels Technician, Mark Twain National Forest

Joseph Marschall – Senior Research Associate, University of Missouri

Brian Sturtevant – Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station USDA Forest Service

Paul Priestley – Fire and Forest Restoration Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy Minnesota Chapter

Jack McGowan-Stinski – Program Manager, Lake States Fire Science Consortium


Developing a monitoring handbook for your local ecosystem to meet management objectives

Presented by Brian Stearns (From NPS Fire Monitoring Handbook, measurement rotation, plot locations and density)

Fuels measurement techniques

Presented by Brian Stearns and the Instructor Cadre

(Brown’s fuel transects, duff/litter)

Fuels/vegetation photo monitoring

Presented by Brian Sturtevant

(Homework, watch this photoload technique video)



Mortality measurements

Presented by Paul Priestley

Fire severity and composite burn index

Presented by Brian Sturtevant

Fire behavior and burn severity mapping

Presented by Brian Stearns and Instructor Cadre

Fire effects on timber value measurements

Presented by Joe Marschall



Coarse-level metrics

Presented by Jack McGowan-Stinski


Go-no-go Fuels gauge demonstration

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Mortality plot demonstration

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Densiometer/Moose-tube demonstration

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Bole char and crown scorch measurement demonstration

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Frequently used fuels and fire monitoring tools

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Common fuels measurement questions

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Fuels tally up-close demonstration

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Litter and duff measurement demonstration

(Brian Stearns, Huron-Manistee National Forests)

Post-burn fuels transect demonstration

(Mike Kelly, Mark Twain National Forest)

Pre-burn fuels transect, new plot installation

(Mike Kelly, Mark Twain National Forest)


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