Click below to see our collection of recordings from virtual workshops offered by the Oak Forests & Woodlands Fire Consortium and partners.
Reintroducing the brown-headed nuthatch to the Missouri Ozarks – virtual workshop and panel discussion
Held September 21, 2021, this virtual workshop included 3 scientific presentations and an interactive panel discussion which addressed questions from the audience. Learn about this fire science and management success story where long-term restoration of shortleaf pine-oak woodlands at landscape scale set the stage for the reintroduction of the brown-headed nuthatch to the Missouri Ozarks!
Fire and Fuels Monitoring Virtual Training
This 4-day, virtual- and field-based training was held June 1-4, 2021, and offers these tools: selecting metrics that match management/restoration objectives; developing site-specific protocols for sampling; developing a monitoring handbook and monitoring protocols/program for your local ecosystems; how to establish long-term monitoring and quantitative/qualitative data for wildfire risk assessment; and evaluating the need for prescribed burns and other fuels treatments.
Glades, Quail, and Prescribed Fire in Arkansas Virtual Workshop
Held online on October 7, 2020. This virtual workshop included 5 scientific presentations, a 30 minute virtual field tour, and a panel discussion in which addressed questions from participants. Learn about fire management and burn prescriptions, eastern redcedar removal, native herbaceous plant responses, and improvements to wildlife habitat. See it all!